Monday, June 1, 2009

/Nobody but you.

Hello guys! Wee. I want nobody nobody but you! Hahahah. Im addicted to the song mansxz! Supaafly! Why you make me remember!!! Walao. See,i keep singing like a gay sia! hahaha. Eh,supaafly lets sing together! 'I WANT NOBODY NOBODY BUT YOU!!!'. Hahahahah. You all if dont know just go check out go youtube this is the link plus dance steps yo,

Hahahah. Cool mansxz! T
he boys are like gays men! Anw,thats enough i think! hahaha. Just go back from fetching supaafly! Yahoo! The netball girls win! hahahah. Erm,this morning go mkn lunch with supaafly. Everything with her,nobody nobody but supaafly!! hahah. Eat at mac JP. Then we walk2 for a while then meet the other netballers. its 1210 that time and they still going to mac when supaafly say must be at school by 1230? (=.=) I dont knw the truth but i will still believe in supaafly la! Shes my baby!!! Ok.. Then go Chameleon buy hair scarf!! hahah. Best.

Then i persuade supaafly to take 246 nut she diedie dont want so nevermind la. I give in cause iloveher mah?? Then take train to schoo
l la. Then till now. So thats it for today. Currently waiting for the next day to come! Goodbye. Sayonara.


signing off,

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