Friday, May 8, 2009

/Its the climb.

Hello guys.
I just made a new blog and deleted the last time one.

This is more nicer.
Going to be active in blogging.XD. lol.

Oh,anw,lets talk about today.
Today was like normal go to school all then (blah,blah,blah)
and after recess was the worst thing.
OMG! I was outside class 2e2 beside the fire extinguisher
and behind it there was a stupid thingy that was getting me into trouble.
I took the thing la and carry the fire extinguisher with one hand then ..
HOLY*#@! Mr Soong came. "YOU! Come her!"
I was like okay.
Talk crap with him then brought to detention room.
I thought i was going to be canned lor caused my mom was called.
But luckily not.

PHEW! Only was asked to write a reflection letter.
Then write and go back to class.
Thought there was mother tongue class but cikgu Nor was absent,
so sorry for her. *giving my condolences to her.
Erm then saw eherm she ask what happened i explain to her then everything was fine.
Then(blah,blah,blah )again until school finishes.
Go back with eherm send her home.

Anw,* thanks for everything.
I really appreciate what you did for me. Heesxz.
Kay. Go back school for drama thing!
WALAO!(dont want to talk about that,BORING)
then go home until now la.
What a long post man.
Eh,tired ald.Im sleeping now guys. Sayonara! Night!


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